Thursday, September 25, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara,
John G. Maneatis, President and chief technologist of True Circuits, Inc.
(TCI), a world renown technologist in the area of analog and mixed-signal
intellectual property (IP) development.
Panel of industry technologists discussing the following IP topics:
- What are the key process technology issues and drivers that need to be
considered when migrating a design (and the integrated IP) from one node to
the next - IO voltages, leakage, etc.
- How do these issues differ for various IP categories?
- How do you set up your design flow as an integrator to make IP use
- How does the IP vendor design IP and the associated deliverables to make
integration as smooth as possible? Takeaway- New complexities of IP at the
Leading Edge.
For more detailed information on GSA's first IP Conference and agenda visit:
When and Where
Conference: Wednesday - Thursday, September 24-25
IP Panel: Thursday, September 25, 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, California, USA
About True Circuits
True Circuits develops and markets a broad range of award-winning PLLs,
DLLs and other mixed-signal hard macros for ICs for the semiconductor,
systems and electronics industries. TCI's robust state-of-the-art circuits,
methodical and proven design strategy and its close association with the
world's leading silicon fabrication vendors, IDMs, and design services companies
allow the company to quickly and reliably create new and innovative designs
in a variety of advanced process technologies.
True Circuits is headquartered at 4300 El Camino Real, Suite 200, Los
Altos, California 94022 and can be found on the web at
www.truecircuits.com. Product inquiries
can be made by calling the company directly at (650) 949-3400 or via
e-mail at sales@truecircuits.com.
The True Circuits logo is a trademark of True Circuits, Inc. All other
trademarks and tradenames are the property of their respective owners.